What do these people (the employer of course) think they (themselves) are? How could one human treat another human in such manner? Do they think that they pay for the service as well as for extra services like a pinata? I've seen how these maids (most of whom are mothers coming here to earn money to send home) are treated. Sadists.
So, calling all bosses: Put your money to better use and if you really need a domestic helper by all means hire one. I said hire and not buy. You don't own them. They have their dignity. They didn't sell their soul and body for your money. They have mouths to feed back home. Apart from these people, there's another group - the foreign workers.
Why is it that these workers are treated contemptibly? Don't they deserve more than what they're currently paid? It is the employers that are suppose to look after their welfare; especially at the work place. Promoting and enhancing occupational safety and health doesn't cover higher-paid employees only but also these workers.
Am not here to denigrate the rich here but I refuse see the half-filled cup. It's true that there are foreigners committing crime but aren't we practicing what we shun - stereotype? Don't we despise people who stereotype based on skin colours? You there, at the top, please stop putting your feet on the heads of those below you. I, for one, would be condemned by my conscience day and night for living off the hardship of others.
So, as blind and deaf as you will be, give them what they deserve for they aren't hired to entertain you and be on the receiving end of your wrath - or the twisted entertainment you have in mind. Keep your fetishes to yourselves and don't find joy in the suffering of others - your hired workers or your subordinates. Don't be deceived; nobody ever buy their way out of a punishment. Never.
With that, I bid everyone a Happy New Year and let's hope we hear less of such things. Personally, I hope to hear more lobbying for laws to protect foreign workers. So elected reps, stop bickering on which car to use for official purposes.