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Friday 17 October 2008

Evening Excursion 1: Georgetown

The journey to town began shortly after sunset. The Lor Mee and Lor bak at Fettes Park did not do much to ease the hunger pang. We decided to stop over at Padang Kota Lama, just behind Dewan Sri Penang, for another bout of gastronomic indulgence. Pasembur, rojak, and cockles should do the trick. We have another hour or so to kill so we decided to walk around the area; taking in the beautiful atmosphere at the Town Hall but I thought the facade would look better if not for the incandescent light bulbs.

We'd agree to this excursion, date if you like, as some sort of birthday gift for Yin Kuan no thanks to her work and we'd better make full use of this "time out".

Come to think of it, I'm not that bad a photographer...

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