

Currently transiting: Loch Lomond, Scotland | Previous destination: Kernavė Archaeological Site, Lithuania

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Life in Motion: Tripped and Fell

It's been a hectic and a depressing week. People come and go. Some leave their marks whilst others, scars. Then the news of someone's passing didn't make things any better. Life - how fragile and unexpected. People - how unpredictable and cruel. Me - how silly and fortunate.

When the going gets tough, I stopped and camped by the dirt path; getting sand in my face and looked up to scornful gaze, mocking laughter. Then I tore open the wrapper and gulped down the chocolate bar, nearly choking. Uncapped my canteen and emptied the content.

I looked at the scribbling on the bottom, heaved a sigh and smiled. It read:

aim for the moon, so that if you fall short, you will at least land on the stars

But I need a short nap now...

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