I think this time, people ought to wear something that screams: Boss Here! I'm your boss! and this one goes out to the bickering policiticians. The election's over and it's already February, a month shy of the 1st anniversary of the political tsunami. Whether you won or lost, don't you guys think it's time to get to work? The economy's down, prices up, and time's bad.
Policticking and governing are two different things and you can't govern properly if everyday is spent on who's jumping ship from one party to another. We "employed" you then, not to make mountains out of molehill. For those wanting to jump ship, then get out quick and I hope the sharks below are happy. We don't need such representatives. Clean up, party's over and please get back to work. And by work, I mean real issues affecting the people and not things like how big your official cars are.
Remember that your boss, the people, is watching.
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