

Currently transiting: Loch Lomond, Scotland | Previous destination: Kernavė Archaeological Site, Lithuania

Sunday 1 February 2009

Here, take mine...

We've heard of people signing up to be an organ donor in the in the unfortunate event when death comes. Then I read of the oft-published touching story of how a person donated a part of his/her organs to a loved one.

That got me thinking, would I or those registered donors be willing to part with our organs - while alive? Of course I don't mean donating out of love to the point of causing disability to the donor. People say all sorts of things like, "I'd swim the sea of fire just for you". Some would try to pluck the stars from their places in the night sky and some would even kill or take a bullet for their loved ones (ah, we see this in males). But what about donating an organ; in some cases knowing full well that it may bring about some ill effects?

Would you? Would I?

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