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Sunday 15 February 2009

Life In Motion: A Deluge of Messages

There'll be sad songs to make you cry,
Love songs often do,
They can touch the heart of someone new
Saying I love you...

"They'd make me smile too. Some wordings are meaningful." I thought to myself. The clock displays 23:56 on the digital readout. Billy Ocean is wrapping up Valentine's Day.

I continued reading the latest issue of Time. Suddenly, the cellphone vibrated. A message from a friend. It reads:
... a ticket for Jit Sin Chinese Orchestra...
Sweet. I can hardly wait.


I never knew that the first message and the first call last night were the ones that opened the floodgates to a deluge of messages and phone calls up until now. Well, it sure is nice to know that they remembered me. All I could is to say thank you and to tell them how much I appreciate the thoughtfulness.

Even my aunt sent a message that reads:
...God unfolds each day like the petals of a rose. Each one is a beauty to behold. May each of your moments be touched by His tender loving hands...
It isn't the content nor the length of the calls and messages but rather the thoughts. Another one arrived a moment ago and like all the messages and calls, it begins with "Happy Birthday".

Aging gracefully? Hope so.

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