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Tuesday 20 January 2009

The Stone that Breaks the Camel's Head

"...if I were living in a glass house, I wouldn't be throwing stones at my neighbour's house who owns a stone quarry..."

Came upon this sentence today and it made me smile. How true! It covers - in the last few weeks - all the hypocrisy, the provocation, the lack of respect, arrogance, and the thought that the lives of a group of people is more valuable than the other; when in fact, all are created beings.

Some would bring the Almighty into war, giving the world the impression that God is behind a belligerent in a war. That is shallow to say the least, how our limited mind create space around God and then imagine that He's with us in whatever we do; wishful thinking isn't it?

Then there are people who support a cause blindly and no matter how hard one tries, those on both sides of the divide can never arrive at a right answer since no one is absolved from killing another human being. And also, just because one kills less than the other doesn't justify the act of killing at all. Life, whatever the colour, whatever the tongue, and whatever its geographical location, is precious. Let's not think we're superior to some and let's not bring the Almighty into our actions just to justify it.

I'm swimming in the pool between the divide. Already, I've come across debates (here and here) on who's at fault so I'll just dip in and cool off.

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