

Currently transiting: Loch Lomond, Scotland | Previous destination: Kernavė Archaeological Site, Lithuania

Thursday 1 January 2009

Fireworks and Fiery Skies

A boom from afar heralds a new year
In a peaceful place, an explosion causes no fear
Yet faraway someone looks up with a tear
Hoping the next boom doesn't come near

Lest we forget the New Year is another number
For some, the continuity of yet another sneer and jeer
Whilst we indulge in a glass of beer amidst all the cheer
Know that some cling desperately, to life so dear

Ne'er forget that in some other places
People look for signs; for friendly faces
Therefore, make attempts this year
To be sensitive; into the other world we peer.

1 comment:

Fire away! I'd like to know what's on your mind.

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