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Sunday 4 January 2009

Fishermen to be Fined - I Second That

If educating the masses on animal rights failed, then swift punishment should come. People just don't give a damn if a particular creature is endangered and they hunt them for food, for handbags and shoe, and some perhaps for a show.

Those guys, breadwinners they may be, who caught the whale shark ought to be fined just for not releasing the fish. These men are pro at deep sea fishing and I'm sure they'd know how much they've caught or in this case, how heavy.

Was it, it got stuck in the net so we have no choice but to bring it back to beach? Accidents yes but they'd do more than just hauling it to land. The kids would be like, "Wow, they caught a big fish. Wonder what's next!". There goes all the efforts to educate them on the importance of protecting and preserving wildlife. Rather than bickering on whether to use English or Bahasa Malaysia as the medium of instruction in school, think of how you'd make learning fun. My friends in Korea are saying how tough and competitive school is as well as the university entrance exam. Here, everything is so carefree. Time to get people who knows about Science to be part of the panel responsible for the subject's syllabi. Grr...

And this comes after a rubber tapper was detained with a sun bear in his possession - dead. What now? Virility again? Contact Pfizer please; or click here.

Well, these are my thoughts. I just feel that they'd just get off easily. Who cares about an endangered animal. Profit comes first and the end justifies the means, so they say.

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