

Currently transiting: Loch Lomond, Scotland | Previous destination: Kernavė Archaeological Site, Lithuania

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Figures, Julian. Figures

Just when I thought that my contemporaries are educated and learned; able to see beyond race. Able to argue cogently. Am not going into the facts since when one chose not to accept them, why preach? I erred. And I have nothing else to add. Save, maybe, that prospects are bleak for the country with such leaders at the helm.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Need We Do More?

For the environment? Yes. Much more. And we don't need Blog Action Day to remind us.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Sarcasm works, the first time

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Ungrateful Neighbour

I'm not sure if there's anything to say on the 'invasion of Malaysia' plan except that these people are as primitive as the weapon they [chose to] use, not to mention blind to the many things we've afford them. And sometimes, we're puzzled why we (represented by our leaders) seems to abjectly submit to them yet dumb enough to antagonize our other neighbours. They seem to get easy access (1.8 million 'conspirators' looks like a significant percentage, legal or otherwise) and many, citizenship.

My message? No one gives a dang if you're of the same creed in the same region.

Gather around now, people, and sing the national anthem (said to be ripped from the Indonesian anthem). Figures!

Do read the article by Philip Golingai.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

God in a box

The film, Where Got Ghost, like all Singaporean comedies feted the audience with crude jokes and clever wordplay that never fail to elicit bouts of ha-ha throughout the screening. Long story short, there was this part in the film where the sons of a deceased mother decided not to worship her (ancestor worship) due to many mishaps in life. They did so after some thoughts and comparison with their well-to-do friend; apparently blessed with all the good things in life (a twist at the end leaving us all in stitches).

Now, I was like, "Wow, so conditional". Little did I know, many weeks after the show that I began to see a similarity between the characters and myself. Whilst the saying only the sick needs the doctor still stands, things are different when it comes to my walk with God.

Many times, we put the focus on the wrong things and end up feeling all odd and empty. It may be unrealistic goals fueled by selfish motives or simply putting blind faith in humans; so-called Christians or not.

I'm not sure how I'd end this one but it'd be hypocritical to end by saying that I'm all clear now: no more doubts now, and never will. I'm better off putting myself under constant reflection and not to be disheartened by the heat or tempest from every compass points.

God help me.

(Picture credit: here)

Monday, 5 October 2009

One of Many Bells

One of many wedding bells toll for Theen Kin and Yee Lin. To the newlyweds, my heartiest congratulations. I was in KL (again) to be at the most happening place in Malaysia: the dinner reception. Regretted not being able to make it for the wedding ceremony a day earlier but I'm glad they showed clips of it. My favourite? The photo shoot, without a doubt. Genuine smile and that magical look I was told to look out for many years back. And there's all to it. It put words to every shot and summed them up perfectly.

My first and am enthralled by the whole affair, although I wasn't there in person for the main event. Apart from that, it was good opportunity to catch up (imagine, I haven't met the bride for about 3 years already) with friends. Was great to see a few living the life they enjoy: doing the things that are meaningful and not for the sake of doing it. Everyone has come a long way and it's been too long since we last sat down during recess time at the school canteen. Now we meet again in a banquet hall, draped and spruced up to celebrate the union of our schoolmate with her soulmate.

Ah, I could hardly see with blurred vision now. Must be the cold, or was it?
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